Shingle Colors
 to Fit Every Style

What colors best suit your home? Choose from a spectrum of IKO® colors.
Aerial view of a dark-colored shingled roof on a residential house, beautifully contrasting with the vibrant green lawn and concrete driveway, creating a stunning gallery of natural and architectural color harmony.

Performance Shingles

Architectural Shingles

Performance Designer

Impact Rating Disclaimer Impact Rating Disclaimer
Impact Rating Disclaimer
The Impact Resistance ratings are solely for the purpose of enabling residential property owners to obtain a reduction in their residential insurance premium, if available. This is not a guarantee of impact resistance against hail. Damage from hail is not covered under the limited warranty.


Our favorite

Enhance your home’s curb appeal with color blends and styles that fit rustic, urban, traditional, and modern homes alike.

Close-up of a Dynasty asphalt shingle roof featuring a mix of gray and brown rectangular shingles arranged in a staggered pattern. View Product
Close-up of a roof featuring alternating gray and red asphalt shingles, reminiscent of the elegant patterns found in a slate dynasty design. View Product
Sentinel Slate

Crowne Slate

Look the part of high-end elegance with slate-inspired shingles featuring sharp definition, square cuts, and generous exposure.

Close-up of an asphalt shingle roof with alternating dark and muted red-brown tiles in a rectangular pattern, reminiscent of Crowne Slate. View Product
Royal Granite