Before you call your insurance agent, here’s a checklist you can use to prepare for your claim. DEALING WITH INSURANCE AND OTHER ISSUES Always seek…
The Correct Roof Shingle Exposure for 3-Tab and Laminate Shingles A shingle’s exposure is the portion of the shingle left uncovered by the one above…
In the winter, ice tends to collect on some roofs near the edges because of snow from a snowstorm that melts and refreezes during a drop in temperature.
The fascia board is the long wooden board behind the gutters on a house. It connects to the roof rafters, closes off the attic and serves as the mount for gutters.
Once upon a time, traditional strip or 3-tab shingle dimensions, as well as asphalt shingle dimensions, measured 12 inches wide by 36 inches long. These…
Want to sell your house, but not sure where to start? You’re not alone. Preparing your house to sell is a big undertaking that can feel overwhelming at times. There is a lot more that goes into getting your house ready to sell than simply putting the “for sale” sign on the lawn and waiting for offers to roll in.
So, you have an old roof, or at least a roof that needs to be replaced, and you’re considering tearing off the old asphalt shingles.
A roof valley is formed where two roof slopes meet. Water collects in a valley to flow off the roof. Your choice of valley installation method is critical because, when improperly installed, valleys are risks for serious leaks.